Sunday, April 28, 2019

Summer Week 1

Summer Week 1

What a lovely first week back! We have really enjoyed ourselves. The trip to Marriots Way. We found out that it used to be a railway. We walked along the old railway path in our houses and enjoyed helping the younger children find different creatures and plants. We did a scavenger hunt and then went pond dipping and den making. The dens were AWESOME! Some of them we could get a whole house of children in! They were very creative with washing lines and camp fires next to them! 

In English we looked at writing recounts using conjunctions, commas and adverbs.

In Maths we created pictograms and interpreted them. If you have a computer at home this is a useful link to a game.
(You will need to enable flash player)

On St Georges day we celebrated by dressing up as princesses and knights. We learnt the story of George and the Dragon and acted it out. 

Last full week of year 2!

Summer Week 6 On Monday we went to Bewilderwood and we loved it! Once we arrived we went on the boat and listened to the story. Some of...