Sunday, November 25, 2018

Week 4 Autumn 2

Week 4 Autumn 2

Green class are well underway with their nativity practice! Well done to all the children that have learnt their lines already. It is starting to look and sound good.

We have also been looking at different materials to design a space buggy. If you have any recycling (junk modelling) that you could bring in this week it would be much appreciated as we are making our space buggies next week. We have some very good designers and engineers!

We have been writing facts about space. We have been thinking about how non-fiction texts are laid out.

In Maths we have been looking at multiplication( we call this lots of or groups of). We have used grouping and arrays to do this.

These pictures show 3x4=12
Image result for 3x4 as an array  Image result for groups of multiplication

We hope you enjoyed our sharing assembly on Friday. Thank you so much for coming!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Autumn 2 week 3

Green class!

We have been working hard in Maths this week. We have been learning about mass and measuring weight using grams and kilograms. We have been working on reading a scale. Next time we do cooking at home we will be able to help read the scales :)

We have also written news paper reports this week and they are amazing! We have been learning about captions, headings and facts.

Children in need! 
We have been thinking about who might need and how we can help. Thank you to everyone that brought in pennies to help  raise  money for children in need. We picked all the pennies up and put them in piles of 10p. We then got 10 piles which made a pound. We still have loads to count but so far just from pennies we counted £54 and  we still have so many to count and cake raffle money so thank you! 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Week 2 Autumn 2

On Friday we had our remembrance cafe and really enjoyed having our parents/grandparents in to help us remember all the soldiers and others who died in the war. We learnt that it has been 100 years since it finished. We made poppies, decorated biscuits and created poppy wreaths. Thank you to everyone that came. Later that day we went to our nature area and said our own prayer and had a moment of silence and then scattered poppy seeds which we hope grow for us to remember next year.   We started of our week at How Hill doing lots of outdoor learning. We went dyke dipping and identified what we found. We also did a nature trail and thought about the different habitats.

 On Thursday we had some mysterious objects land on the field and there was even a fire. This week we have been investigating what it could have been and how it got there and have been writing a newspaper report. We have interviewed each other and been thinking about facts and opinions.

Thank you Green class for such a lovely week :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Week 1 of Autumn 2

Green class have come back after half term amazingly. They have come back ready to learn!

We were really busy last week. We have done work on doubling and halving. We have been doing halving by sharing with someone. We have been doubling by getting the same number in each hoop. We have also started our paper mache globe! We have been looking at continents.

We really enjoyed outdoor classroom day. We apologise for all of our muddy clothes but we had so much fun making shelters from the rain, listening to the story James and the Woodcutter and then finding our own way to retell the story. We thought about which words were nouns, verbs and adjectives. We also ate apples from our apple trees from the field. We all had so much fun.

The Bonfire disco was so much fun. Thank you to all your children who taught me a new dance move. All of the Bonfire hats that were made were incredible :) Thank you to everyone that took part.

Last full week of year 2!

Summer Week 6 On Monday we went to Bewilderwood and we loved it! Once we arrived we went on the boat and listened to the story. Some of...